german 14. - 25. August 2010

Our Community - The Tribe of the Likatier

The Tribe of the Likatier was founded 35 years ago. In the meantime, over 200 children, young people and adults live here in Füssen in our new-age tribe. We have strong roots in this area and with each other as well. Having deep relationships with each other is important to us. In the tribe we want to create a home where we feel loved and secure. The core of the Tribe has decided to stay together permanently and continue to develop it. We are working on becoming completely self-suficient.
We spend a lot of time working on being lively and authentic, both on a cultural and on a spiritual level. We are aiming for a matriarchal form of relationships and attitude towards the world, beginning with the yin principles of receptivity and creating a basis for life, as opposed to the competitive, excluding principles of patriarchy that dominate in our society. It is our goal to develop our own authentic culture, whose purpose is, above all, to further the life and liveliness of all tribal members.




The Youth-Group - The NewComers

Our youth group consists of about 50 young people between the ages of 14 and 30. The majority of us live in the center of the Tribe of the Likatier and are very intensively involved with the visions and goals of the Tribe. We want to become more natural, learn to love genuinely, and be able to form stable, warm relationships. Together with other communities and other young people, we would like to change the world on a long-term basis. The Summer Camp is a center for this movement.
